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I have a copy of Carmody’s thesis and will try to upload it soon (though it is quite large and may need to be uploaded somewhere else instead). Particularly interesting is that it appears to be a first reference for bicategories enriched in monoidal bicategories, and compact closed bicategories (for which the usual contemporary reference is a paper of Mike Stay).
Igor Baković, Bigroupoid 2-torsors. Dissertation, LMU München 2008: Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics doi LMU repository
I can’t make the table working, the syntax is awkward, I lost edits several times and now it does not display properly.
Why not just a bibliography list like elsewhere in the Lab. There are plenty of thesis scattered in Lab and it would be easy to copy them here if not changing into the akward format.
@Urs I love your example content :-)
Thanks for the fix AND the instruction!
Pierre Gabriel, Des Catégories Abéliennes, 1960 (as published paper, 1962) numdam
Anders Kock, Limit monads in categories, University of Chicago 1967 (advisor W. Lawvere) proquest
Unfortunately, proquest gives for free just first 23 pages or so. I think I had the entire scan somewhere but can not not find it neither online nor in my computer.
I think I had the entire scan somewhere but can not not find it neither online nor in my computer.
I have a scan of this thesis too. At some point I shall upload it. I am wondering if there is a better central place to host the theses rather than the nLab, which I think is sensitive to file sizes.
I’m surprised Anders doesn’t have his thesis on his website, he has a lot of old stuff available there. Perhaps he wouldn’t mind hosting a copy himself?
Pronk’s thesis isn’t available as a public pdf, but she did share it with me. There’s content in there that’s never been published, I wonder if she could be prevailed on to make it available?
I don’t have time to do it now, but also this one supervised by Ross Street:
It’s available online, I can’t dig up the link now. For some reason Ross doesn’t have the link on his ’students’ page, perhaps it wasn’t available until recently.
Add Fred Linton’s thesis.
Added the thesis of Duško Pavlović.
Added Finn Lawler’s thesis.
uploaded Pavlovic’s thesis to our server (compressed without loss by no less than 77%) and recorded it on his author page, here
Added the thesis of John Duskin.
Added Walter Tholen’s thesis.
Added Sridhar Ramesh’s thesis.
Added John Power’s thesis.
1 to 49 of 49