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gave prequantum line bundle a little entry of its own
People also say “quantization line bundle”.
Yes, many more people say “quantum line bundle”. But some say “prequantum line bundle”. On the other hand, everybody says that constructing these beasts is “prequantization”, so the latter term seems to make more sense.
I do not know of quantum line bundle, I heard more often quantization line bundle (what makes more sense, the bundle is not quantum but it is used for quantization).
That’s true.
Just to remind (if somebody did not notice) of the recent related entry orbit method, which was the principal source (along with rather complementary Borel-Weil-Bott theorem), historically, of the geometric quantization.
added pointer to
which discusses prequantized manifolds in the context of cobordism rings and Thom spectra. (Thanks to Jack Morava for pointing this reference out to me.)
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