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Somebody signing as “Stephan” has made half a dozen or so edits lately. Does anyone know who this might be? Because I would like to suggest to him to announce his changes here.
Mostly they were very useful corrections. But at nice category of spaces and at groupoid object in an (infinity,1)-category I felt that the comment added there by him was in need of a bit of rephrasing. Nothing serious, but I’d like to know who he is to sort this out.
He also, I think, created a new entry titled Principal bundles, groupoids and connections
The IP address of the edit Principal bundles, groupoids and connections is from Germany, Karlsruhe, if this helps.
Thanks. The math staff at Karlsruhe is listed here. But no Stephan among them. Probably he is a student. Not sure how to find out without spending lots of time on this.
I created his page and put a message there. Maybe he’ll notice it.
Not sure how to find out without spending lots of time on this
Just calling a phone number of any mathematician in the area from that department ? …but he might be more likely a graduate student elsewehere and just sometimes accessing the Lab from home.
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