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To replace some anonymous scribblings, I cribbed some definitions from Wikipedia to get a stub at deformation retraction.
I think I wrote somewhere in the Lab about deformation retracts and neighborhood deformation retracts and absolute neighborhood deformation retracts. Deformation retract is used much more often than the phrase deformation retraction; the presentations of deformation retracts rarely name the map itself.
deformation retract<- here it is!
H’m, now we need to combine these! Also, if I’m not misreading it, Zoran’s deformation retract is Wikipedia’s strong deformation retract.
Yes. It seems that it should be strong deformation retract if I remember my Spanier! This should be adjusted but needs a bit of discussion beforehand. I hope Zoran is following this thread as he may be using different conventions and this would then mean a bit more explanation.
Well, the definitions I used are according to Whitehead’s book. I think he remarks about his choice of terminology, but do not have the book with me at the very moment.
If we do the merge then we could rename and reuse the other entry to have the notion of absolute deformation retracts (with respect to a class of spaces) covered, I think it is not yet in Lab (so please do not rename into “history”). I may do that later in the week.
@zoran My thought was that before large scale changes were made we might reflect on what we want to do with it! I think your idea sounds good.
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