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quick note on 2-framing
What you say is not 100% accurate. A 2-framing in the sense of Atiyah is a framing of twice the tangent bundle (lifting the canonical lift to Spin(6)). For isolated 3-manifolds this is the same as a p1-structure, but they differ in families.
Hi Chris,
I was taking notes in Chris Douglas’s talk in Erlangen. Maybe I should not have made this Lab note in the first place. I first thought now I give a more extensive discussion, but this feels weird, as I should be citing you guys instead.
So to improve on the situation for the moment, what I have done now is this:
I have added to 2-framing the traditional definition;
I have added a pointer to your work (Douglas/Schommer-Pries/Snyder) as far as I can;
I have turned the note into “can be reformulated in terms of -structure” with a citation.
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