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Naman, I don’t see what is gained by your edit (here):
All of the properties listed there follow from the previous discussion, the point is, as it says, to make it “very explicit”.
The lines you removed serve that purpose. At the very least, absolutely no harm is done by keeping them.
I think they should be reinstantiated.
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Added to the existing section on representable multicategories that maps between underlying representable multicategories correspond to lax monoidal functors.
Added that the category of monoidal categories and monoidal functors is equivalent to the category representable colored PROs.
Aaron David Fairbanks
Hello everyone,
In the subsection of internal logic I’m pretty sure that should be the internal language of a closed monoidal category instead of a monoidal category. The internal language of a monoidal category should be more akin to that of algebraic type theory but taking care of structural rules.
I’m not familiar with editing the nlab nor do I feel extremely confident in what I’m saying so instead I’m posting here.
Added a cross-reference to infinitary monoidal category.