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Well, of each of them can be identified with
, respectively, and thereby with
, and similarly for all higher homotopy groups. So all we need is a map inducing those isomorphisms. Perhaps there is an adjunction.
I have come out of some Christmas vacation and have now worked on all my accumulated email and all the accumulated discussion here. I should reply to this here, too, but now I am running out of time.
Domenico, I understand that in the course of the above messages some of your questions found their answers already. Could you maybe summarize in a sentence or two what the remaining questions are?
(And include your LaTeX formulas in double dollar signs (inline), then they display pretty-printed here and are easier to read).
Oh, yeah, I added instead of subtracted, sorry. In too much of a hurry.
Domenico, I think maybe you want to compare not to the constant simplicial presheaf
but to its delooping relative to the homotopy theory of simplicial (pre)sheaves?
I feel like something of this sort must be somewhere in HTT, since the introduction talks about identifying these two kinds of cohomology.
Basically these last days speculations on all came out from the idea of <a href="https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/cohomology">cohomology</a> as it is stated at cohomology and, as a beatiful slogan, at <a href="https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/nPOV">nPOV</a>.
<p>Thanks for that feedback. This made me include this slogan now in a standout box at <a href="https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/cohomology">cohomology</a>.</p>
also (and I find this to be the crucial point) exhibit all natural transformations of cohomology theories as morphisms of topoi.
<p>Thanks, now I see what you are getting at.</p>
<p>This deserves to be discussed, yes. As a first quick remark: what is ordinarily thought of as a morphism of cohomology theories happens inside a single (oo,1)-category, say between two functors represneted by two different spectra.</p>
<p>Another thing I want to eventually discuss, which is relevant in this context, is this:</p>
<p>for defining an (oo,1)-categorical hom-space of course all we need is an (oo,1)-category. So what is the point of requiring this to be an (oo,1)-topos?</p>
<p>I think the answer is: if it is a topos, then we have the expected relation between cocycles and the objects they classify: every cocycles with coefficints in a pointed object classifies, by definition, its <a href="https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/homotopy+fiber">homotopy fiber</a>. If the ambient (oo,1)-category is an (oo,1)-topos, then we have Giraud's axioms about effective groupoid objects, and using this we can conclude that this homotopy fiber behaves like a principal bundle. Parts of this is discussed at <a href="https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/principal+infinity-bundle">principal infinity-bundle</a>.</p>
<p>But I think it will make sense to also regard hom-spaces in non-toposes as cohomologies, of sorts, in particular in stable (oo,1)-categories. (Though the point of view keeps being expressed that every stable (oo,1)-category is somehow as good as an (oo,1)-topos.)</p>
The other, I'm trying to write something about in my area, but I get more confuded each time I think to it: what are K-theory and the Chern character in the topos description of cohomology?
<p>That's a very intersting point.</p>
<p>The best abstract-nonsense description of what really happens with K-theory that I have seen is the one staated in the definition section at <a href="https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/K-theory">K-theory</a>. This is taken from Lurie's "Stable (oo,1)-categories", equippedd with some additional remarks.</p>
<p>Concerning Chern-character: this is something I am very much thinking about currently in the context of my work on <a href="https://ncatlab.org/schreiber/show/theory+of+differential+nonabelian+cohomology">theory of differential nonabelian cohomology (schreiber)</a>. I thinkl there is a good abstract-nonsense formulation using the <a href="http://ncatlab.org/schreiber/published/deRham+theorem+for+%E2%88%9E-Lie+groupoids">deRham theorem for oo-Lie groupoids</a>.
I am currently busy with writing up more details on this. As soon as I am done replying to all sorts of forum discussions, I might actually have time to type this, then I get back to you!</p>
I'll look at your work on the Chern character, then :)
<p>Okay. Maybe you can help me with one gap in my development that I still have:</p>
<p>currently I am taking a detour through some oo-Lie theory for the full story:</p>
<p>given an object <img src="/extensions/vLaTeX/cache/latex_e9fcd5f411ac341411f03f46e55c0ad7.png" title=" A " style="vertical-align: -20%;" class="tex" alt=" A "/> in a smooth (oo,1)-topos, I pass to its oo-Lie algebroid <img src="/extensions/vLaTeX/cache/latex_1b0319bca12e05b3240248dc1b06065b.png" title=" \mathfrak{a} " style="vertical-align: -20%;" class="tex" alt=" \mathfrak{a} "/>. For that I know how to nicely produce another oo-Lie algebroid <img src="/extensions/vLaTeX/cache/latex_335744e9417addee97dab8a30751e23c.png" title=" \mathfrak{a}_{ab} " style="vertical-align: -20%;" class="tex" alt=" \mathfrak{a}_{ab} "/>, which is something like the free abelianization of <img src="/extensions/vLaTeX/cache/latex_1b0319bca12e05b3240248dc1b06065b.png" title=" \mathfrak{a} " style="vertical-align: -20%;" class="tex" alt=" \mathfrak{a} "/>. For instance for the case that <img src="/extensions/vLaTeX/cache/latex_7907e1320a1ebed1f468d87d10815ead.png" title=" A = \mathbf{B}G " style="vertical-align: -20%;" class="tex" alt=" A = \mathbf{B}G "/> is a delooped Lie group, <img src="/extensions/vLaTeX/cache/latex_335744e9417addee97dab8a30751e23c.png" title=" \mathfrak{a}_{ab} " style="vertical-align: -20%;" class="tex" alt=" \mathfrak{a}_{ab} "/> is the thing such that its function algebra is the algebra of invariant polynomials on the Lie algebra of <img src="/extensions/vLaTeX/cache/latex_e9eec6c9fb23c40613a213b34d8c085f.png" title=" G " style="vertical-align: -20%;" class="tex" alt=" G "/>.</p>
<p>Then I claim that there is a canonical morphism</p>
<img src="/extensions/vLaTeX/cache/latex_2e4f0dd2228ab139e239aeae48d5ac9e.png" title=" H(X,A) \to H_{dR}(X, \mathfrak{a}_{ab})" style="vertical-align: -20%;" class="tex" alt=" H(X,A) \to H_{dR}(X, \mathfrak{a}_{ab})"/>
<p>from cohomology with coefficients in <img src="/extensions/vLaTeX/cache/latex_e9fcd5f411ac341411f03f46e55c0ad7.png" title=" A " style="vertical-align: -20%;" class="tex" alt=" A "/> to deRham cohomology with coefficients in <img src="/extensions/vLaTeX/cache/latex_335744e9417addee97dab8a30751e23c.png" title=" \mathfrak{a}_{ab} " style="vertical-align: -20%;" class="tex" alt=" \mathfrak{a}_{ab} "/> (which is a collection of differential forms on X, one for each invariant polynomial) and that further postcomposed with the oo-deRham theorem that sends the deRham cohomology to real cohomology, this map is the general Chern character map for cohomology with coefficients in <img src="/extensions/vLaTeX/cache/latex_e9fcd5f411ac341411f03f46e55c0ad7.png" title=" A " style="vertical-align: -20%;" class="tex" alt=" A "/>.</p>
<p>What I am lacking currently is a good way to make this statement without the detour throuh oo-Lie algebroids and deRham cohomology. Somehow I should be able to associate with <img src="/extensions/vLaTeX/cache/latex_e9fcd5f411ac341411f03f46e55c0ad7.png" title=" A " style="vertical-align: -20%;" class="tex" alt=" A "/> directly an oo-Lie groupoid that is something like the direct product of lots of Eilenber-MacLane spaces, one for each homotopy group of A, and then shifted up by one. I am not sure yet if I have found the best way to say this.</p>
Right, exactly, we want an object consisting of lots of copies of in various degrees, something like
such that the entire real cohomology content of
is encoded in a single morphism
and then the Chern character map should be postcomposition with this morphism. I'd think.
Possibly this is looking for the rationalization of ...
I see your point. I am hoping for a description that does not need to assume that is a ring object, but maybe that'll be necessary.
I'll have to go offline very soon now. But I'll think about it.
Reading your new slogan at cohomology, Urs, I'm reminded of Taylor & Wheeler, Spacetime Physics.
Thanks. I'll try to reply in a little while, after I have something else out of the way.
Okay, now I'll come back to this discussion here.
I am beginning to think that the morphism that we are looking for above, that from some object in an (oo,1)-topos to some other object
, such that postcomposition with this map maps
-valued cohomology to something like the corresponding "Chern character" is essentially the morphism
from to the free stabilization of its suspension.
Or more precisely, as I indicated above, the construction is this:
let by the arrow category of the smooth ambient (oo,1)-topos. For
the object in
given by the inclusion of
into its path oo-groupoid, and
the map to the terminal object, we have that ordinary
-cohomology of
with coefficients in
may be expressed in
Now let be the stabilization of the suspension object of
. The morphism
induces a morphism
. So we get a morphism in cohomology
A cocycle in the thing on the right is a flat differential (i.e. on )
cocycle, whose underlying ordinary cocycle (i.e. on
) is trivial. This makes this a cocycle in the "real-ization" of
: to see what I mean consider the archetypical case for instance that
. Then an object in
is effectively a cocycle in
-Deligne cohomology whose 0-form part trivializes. But that's then the same as an
-Deligne cocycle (since the differential forms don't see the nontrivial topology of the coefficient object, only the 0-form part does, if we kill that, we are left with the real version).
So there is an object such that
I think. On the right we have a souped-up version of deRham cohomology. I think we may apply the deRham theorem for oo-groupoids to it to pass to a souped-up version of equivalent real cohomology. But since for the present purpose this just amounts to more notation, let me not do it. Then the punchline is that I am saying that the full generalization of the "Chern cheracter" that in ordinary differential cohomology would be suposed to map an Eilenberg-Steenrod cohomology theory to ordinary real cohomology with coefficients in
is the composite of the above maps
Here is something to check this statement. I am beginning to think the following is true, but I don't have a full proof yet:
for the oo-Lie groupoid of
be the oo-Lie groupoid of the stabilization of
. Then I think the Chevalley-Eilenberg algebra (schreiber)
is the algebra of invariant polynomials on
I was looking for such a completely intrinsic oo-categorical definition of invariant polynomials for a while, and now I think this is it. But I still need to think about it.
Notice that, if right, this means for instance that for (the coefficient object for degree 0 K-theory) we have that
is the oo-Lie groupoid integrating the oo-Lie algebroid whose CE-algebra is that of invariant polynomials on
. But that's
, hence the above generalized Chern-character for
would take values in even graded real cohomology, which is the right answer.
Hm, Ill better stop here and dicsuss this in more detail on my web. I'll also have a look at the entry on your web now.
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