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Let me elaborate a bit on the crude question: it is said in the page abelian category that the presence of a (epi,mono) factorization in a preabelian should entail that it is indeed abelian. No counterexample has been found for this conjecture, as far as I proceeded to read the discussion here on the nforum. Given my (our) recent divertissements with factorization systems in relation with t-structures, and given the tight connection between these and abelian categories, I would like to understand better what’s going on here.
The heart of a t-structure, as defined in our 4.1 is an -category whose heart is abelian. Given that stable -categories should be “the things in higher world such that their homotopy category is triangulated”, what should a good definition of “the thing whose homotopy category is abelian” be? To my eye it seems really unlikely that all “respectable” abelian categories can be characterized as hearts of t-structures in stable -categories: is it true, is it false?
An -category such that
i) is a homotopy discrete infinity loop space for any , i.e., there exists an infinite sequence of (well behaved) topological spaces , with and together with homotopy equivalences for any , such that for any . This is the homotopy theory version of being an abelian group. For instance, if the abelian group is , then the corresponding homotopy discrete infinity loop space is the Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum ;
ii) has a 0 object, (homotopy) kernels, cokernels and biproducts
iii) the natural morphism from the coimage to the image is an equivalence
The homotopy category of such a is an abelian category (note that being homotopically discrete is necessary in order that kernels and cokernels in do induce kernels and cokernels in ).
Concerning the last question, the answer is “it is (almost) true”, see Damien Calaque’s answer here
Domenico, doesn’t your (i) actually imply that C is equivalent to hC?
It seems to me that this is not the right question: stability is already the infinity-analogue of abelianness for 1-categories.
Hi Mike,
yes, (i) is the statement that is an equivalence, together with the fact that is an abelian group. Concerning stability vs. abeliannness, I completely agree: stability is the right infinity-analogue, no doubt. Yet, a stable -category fails to satisfy (iii) above, and so its homotopy category is not abelian, but only triangulated in general. So if one wants that is such that is abelian one has to ask something different from stability, which is (or at least should be (i-iii) above). One may wonder whether examples of this naturally exist, apart the tautological “an -category which is equivalent to an abelian category. A nice example is the heart of a t-structure on a -stable category. In Higher Algebra this result is only stated, and only for the homotopy category , addressing the reader to the classical Beilinson-Bernstein-Deligne Asterisque for the proof. But it is actually not hard to work out a direct proof within the context of t-structures on -stable categories.
Stability is already the infinity-analogue of abelianness for 1-categories.
If you want I can put it in another form: which features have in common the hearts of t-structures in stable -categories? I’m aware of what you say (thank you for having pointed out this!), and yet it seems quite unsatisfactory not to make a distinction. I would like to understand where is my mistake, if any.
Abelian categories “should” arise as hearts of stable -categories; these hearts are, in principle, a -categorical object whose homotopy category is abelian; when you kill higher informations in a stable you obtain a triangulated category and from a -structure on it you obtain its heart. I can accept that maybe abelian and triangulated categories both stem from stable categories; but then again, only some stable -categories will have an abelian homotopy category.
One may wonder whether examples of this naturally exist, apart the tautological
This is precisely what I was about to write :) I saw that we were commenting at the same time.
What is the point of distinguishing between an abelian 1-category and an -category that is equivalent to it?
Indeed the notion of ablian -category as defined above is not very interesting per se. Rather such an object can naturally arise as a full subcategory of a stable -category, and that’s the whole point. In other words, if is the heart of a t-structure in a stable -category , then is equivalent to and is an abelian category. A way of saying these two things at the same time is to say that satisfies (i-iii).
In other words, the answer to Fosco’s question “which features have in common the hearts of t-structures in stable ∞-categories?” is just “they are abelian (1-)categories”.
By the way, it seems to me that your (i-iii) are a little odd, and possibly not quite right. The biproducts in (ii) already ensure that is enriched over abelian monoids, but you haven’t said anything to specify that this agrees with the abelian group structure on homsets coming from (i). It would automatically if the latter were actually an -enrichment, i.e. the composition is bilinear, but you haven’t specified that either.
Right, I’ve been too naive in (i-iii). The idea there was to write out what are the features of the heart of a t-structure in a stable -category that then imply that its image in the homotopy category is an 1-abelian category. So, yes, they are no way optimal or complete and need to be refined in order to be an actual definition. However, how you remark, there is no point in giving such an abstract definition: in the end one is just speaking of -categories which are equivalent to a abelian (1-)categories.
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