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I keep working on the entry now titled homotopy groups in an (infinity,1)-topos (used to be "homotopy groups of an oo-stack").
The following subsections I added
Geometric Pi_oo of the terminal object in a locally connected oo-topos
Geometric Pi_0 of a genral object in a locally connected topos
Examples (meaning: general examples, neither purely categorical nor geometrical, currently a discussion of simple examples that distinguish the two notions)
This all needs more work. But I'll stop for a moment and instead start now an entry on locally n-connected (oo,1)-toposes, which I need for further discussion here.
added a brief section on n-connected and n-truncated objects to homotopy groups in an (infinity,1)-topos
The entry became too long for my taste, now that I want to work on the first part, so I split it into two sub-entries
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