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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2018
    • (edited Aug 21st 2018)

    The following might be of interest to some readers here, and it might inspire us to think about the default layout being served.

    nLab-reader Jake Bian made a Firefox plugin, which he says (here):

    drastically improved [his] life by making nLab entries look like textbook chapters

    In addition to choosing different fonts and whitespacing, it de-clutters the entry headers, and also provides mouse-over preview of hyperlinked nLab entries.

    The browser extension is called “Kan” (haha) and is available for download at:

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorRichard Williamson
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2018
    • (edited Aug 22nd 2018)

    Looks nice! I am happy to consider any changes to the styling that people would like. Probably nothing is going to satisfy everyone, but good to have new ideas, and maybe there is something here we can try out immediately. In the future, as the nLab software continues to be modernised towards a more API based design, there will be nothing stopping us or others hosting several different ’frontends’ using the same backend, if there were a need for this.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2018

    Since, as you say, nothing will satisfy everyone, I like the idea of allowing readers to choose their own “theme”. (I think that I, for one, would find it very distracting to have things popping up every time I mouseover a link.)

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorTim_Porter
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2018

    I did not explore the plugin very much but the raw version seemed (on a Macbook Air) to give large amounts of space in TOCs etc that were not that useful. I would expect that there are ways of tweeking the parametres to customise it. I reverted to the standard format, but will have another go at the plugin when I have not a ton of other things to look at and do.