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Has anyone seen this notion in print? The idea is to capture examples of bicategories like , , etc.
Here is how one might define cocartesian bicategories, by adapting the development in cartesian bicategory. Following Carboni and Walters, a left adjoint in a bicategory is called a map. Pseudofunctors between bicategories are called homomorphisms. By “transformation”, I mean what Bénabou calls an “oplax transformation” and what Johnstone calls a “lax transformation”. A transformation is strong if its structural 2-cells are invertible. A transformation between homomorphisms is map-valued if is a map in for every object of .
A cocartesian bicategory is a bicategory equipped with
Homomorphisms where is the terminal bicategory,
Map-valued transformations
where is the diagonal homomorphism and is the unique homomorphism,
Invertible modifications
satisfying appropriate triangulator (“swallowtail”) coherence conditions.
As ever, there is a lemma that states that if is a transformation and is a map, then the structural 2-cell is an isomorphism. Then, the data above restrict to the bicategory whose 1-cells are maps in , so that restrict to strong transformations and becomes a left biadjoint to , i.e., a 2-coproduct, and becomes 2-initial ( is for “empty”). The development then proceeds much as it does on the cartesian bicategory page.
Unless I am pretty confused, this notion does not seem to be a simple “co” dual of the notion of cartesian bicategory. For example, these are not co-map valued transformations, and the transformations are still Johnstone-lax, but we are changing directions on the transformations appropriately to get codiagonals and coprojections when we restrict to (which will be in the examples and ).
Is it a “co-op” dual?
Ergh. Maybe it’s that simple and I was blind. So I guess the notion of map is co-op self-dual, as is the notion of transformation?
It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had an Emily Litella moment. :-)
I haven’t checked your definition thoroughly, but I believe that handedness of adjoints and laxity are both co-op self-dual.
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