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created reference-entry on David Roberts' thesis:
and linked to it from Whitehead tower in an (infinity,1)-topos
(David, I slightly edited your nLab-page, accordingly)
When I get some time I will tidy things up.
That would be nice! I was thinking about working on polishing these paragraphs, but seem to have run out of energy.
You should emphasize that the ordinary pullback of the tangent n-groupoid is just one (useful) model of the homotopy pullback of the point. The homotopy pullback perspective gives the abstract concept, the pullback of the tangent n-groupoid a nice convenient concrete realization.
Motivated by your remarks there, I want to add now somwehere a discussion of how the coskeleton operation on sSet models the notion of n-truncation of objects in the oo-topos . That'll be it for today then, for me.
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