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    • I started a bare minimum at adinkra and cross-linked with dessins d’enfants.

      Adinkras were introduced as a graphical tool for classifying super multiplets. Later they were realized to also classify super Riemann surfaces in a way related to dessins d’enfants.

      I don’t really know much about this yet. Started the entry to collect some first references. Hope to expand on it later.

    • Created 201707040601 for further use in some notes on icons in 𝒱\mathcal{V}-enriched bicategories that I am writing.

    • I found myself editing the “floating table of contents” for the topic cluster of differential geoemtry a fair bit:

      Recall, this is the entry which is being included in the top right of all entries related to differential geometry, as a little pull-down menu

      The analogous floating table of conents for topology is

      The latter was developed a lot as I was writing Introduction to Topology – 1 and now it felt that the corresponding table for differential geometry was lagging behind. It can still do with more improvement, but maybe it’s looking better now.

    • I needed a way to point to the topological interval [0,1][0,1] regarded as an interval object for the use in homotopy theory. Neither the entry interval nor the entry interval object seemed specific enough for this purpose, so I created topological interval.

    • I discovered that there was no content in the entry path space, so I gave it some.

    • I’ve just edited topological concrete category to correct the claim that topological functors create limits, which is not quite true: for instance, the forgetful U:TopSetU: \mathrm{Top} \to \mathrm{Set} fails to reflect limits because choosing a finer topology on the limit vertex yields a non-limiting cone with the same image in Set\mathrm{Set}. This is correctly reported on wikipedia and in Joy of Cats, p. 227.

      It is true that topological functors allow you to calculate limits using the image of the diagram under the functor, which is quite powerful. In Joy of Cats, a topological functor is said to “uniquely lift limits” (definition p. 227, proven p. 363). There doesn’t seem to be an nlab page for this property – I suppose it’s not much used by most category theorists.

    • added to partition of unity a paragraph on how to build Cech coboundaries using partitions of unity (but have been lazy about getting the relative signs right).

      It would be good (for me) if we could add some more about smooth partitions of unity, too, eventually.

    • The term “flow of a vector field” used to redirect to exponential map, which however is really concerned with a somewhat different concept. So I have created now a separate entry flow of a vector field.

    • at monoidal adjunction the second item says

      while the left adjoint is necessarily strong

      but should it not say

      while the left adjoint is necessarily oplax


    • created arithmetic jet space, so far only highlighting the statement that at prime pp these are X×Spec()Spec( p)X \underset{Spec(\mathbb{Z})}{\times}Spec(\mathbb{Z}_p) (regarded so in Borger’s absolute geometry by applying the Witt ring construction (W n) *(W_n)_\ast to it).

      This is what I had hoped that the definition/characterization would be, so I am relieved. Because this is of course just the definition of synthetic differential geometry with Spec( p)Spec(\mathbb{Z}_p) regarded as the ppth abstract formal disk.

      Well, or at least this is what Buium defines. Borger instead calls (W n) *(W_n)_\ast itself already the arithmetic jet space functor. I am not sure yet if I follow that.

      I am hoping to realize the following: in ordinary differential geometry then synthetic differential infinity-groupoids is cohesive over “formal moduli problems” and here the flat modality \flat is exactly the analog of the above “jet space” construction, in that it evaluates everything on formal disks. Moreover, \flat canonically sits in a fracture suare together with the “cohesive rationalization” operation [Π dR(),][\Pi_{dR}(-),-] and hence plays exactly the role of the arithmetic fracture square, but in smooth geometry. I am hoping that Borger’s absolute geometry may be massaged into a cohesive structure over the base Et(Spec(𝔽 1))Et(Spec(\mathbb{F}_1)) that makes the cohesive fracture square reproduce the arithmetic one.

      If Borger’s absolute direct image were base change to Spec( p)Spec(\mathbb{Z}_p) followed by the Witt vector construction, then this would come really close to being true. Not sure what to make of it being just that Witt vector construction. Presently I have no real idea of what good that actually is (apart from giving any base topos for Et(Spec(Z))Et(Spec(Z)), fine, but why this one? Need to further think about it.)

    • Created twosets20170617. Contains an svg illustration of a full subcategory of Set\mathsf{Set} consisting of a terminal object and a two-element set. Uses the convention that an identity arrow is labelled by its object. Intended for use in some graph-theoretical considerations from an nPOV. Sufficiently general to be possibly of use in some other nLab articles too.

    • I am looking for a decent account of the homotopy ring spectrum structure on KUKU with KU 0=BU×KU_0 = BU \times \mathbb{Z} that would be self-contained for a reader with good point-set topology background, but not involving E E_\infty or model category theory.

      What I find in the literature is all sketchy, but maybe I am looking in the wrong places.

      First, a discussion of the H-space structure on BU×BU\times \mathbb{Z} in the first place I find on p. 205 (213 of 251) in A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology. But for the crucial step it there only says:

      we merely affirm that, by fairly elaborate arguments, one can pass to colimits to obtain a product

      Is there a reference that would spell this out?

      Next, for the proof of the homotopy ring spectrum structure on KUKU, the idea is indicated on the first page of

      James McLure, H H_\infty-ring spectra via space-level homotopy theory (pdf)

      Is there a place where this would be spelled out in some detail?

    • made closed cofibration a redirect to Hurewicz cofibration

      Then I added the statement of the theorem that a morphisms of homotopy pullback diagrams along closed cofibrations induces a closed cofibration on the pullbacks.

    • I am starting to add statement and discussion of basic properties of TopTop to Top. Spelled out the basics about limits and colimits, added some basic examples, some first remarks on the characterization over SetSet, etc.

    • On the page countable choice there seemed to be an unsubstantiated claim that weak countable choice proves that the Cauchy and the Dedekind reals coincide. I have cleaned it up a bit. It’s not perfect yet.

    • I improved magma. Entry quasigroup is reworked with some new ideas incorporated and part of the entry delegated to new entry, historical notes on quasigroups which also feature (terminological, historical and opinionated issues on) other nonassociative binary algebraic structures. This delegated also part of what Tom Leinster called in another occasion mathematical bitching (in his example used about categories, here about quasigroups), i.e. opinionated attack on some field of mathematics. Some parts of theory of quasigroups and loops are now very hot in connection to new classes of examples and applications. In particular, analytic loops (like Lie groups) appear to have rich tangent structures, Sabinin algebras (sorry, the entry still under construction) and (augmented) Lie racks (=left distributive left quasigroups) appeared as a solution to local Lie integration problem for Leibniz algebras (nonassociative algebras which satisfy the Leibniz identity, just like Lie algebras, but without skew-symmetry, with lots of applications and relation to the Leibniz homology of Lie algebras and to the conjectural noncommutative K-theory envisioned by Jean-Louis Loday).

      I encountered that Borceux-Bourn call magma what wikipedia and nnLab would call unital magma. I discussed origin of word groupoid at historical notes on quasigroups (which are now a proposed subject of discussion) and created a related name entry Øystein Ore.

    • I’ve created an entry on Lindström’s theorem and readjusted a bit the entries on predicate logic, Löwenheim-Skolem theorem. I guess the most valuable thing in the entry is the link to free version of the Barwise-Feferman handbook. Hopefully somebody with a bird’s eye view of the nlab knows a better context than ’foundation’ for the entry. Any other improvement or expansion would be appreciated as well.

    • I have added discussion of how the “superfields” in the physics literature are generalized elements of internal homs in the topos over supermanifolds: here

    • At linking number, I added a diagrammatic/combinatorial proof that the linking number is an integer, and hence that there must be an even number of crossings between a pair of components of a link. It is surprisingly hard to find a diagrammatic proof: the typical argument is geometric, using something like the Jordan curve theorem. I stumbled across the argument I have added yesterday and thought it was rather nice, so decided to add it here before I forget it!

    • I started a new article hereditary property. In so doing I inadvertently created a number of gray links (some of which I found surprising). Comments are welcome.

    • Stub for Peirce. Very quick write-up without any pretense of being super-precise or super-accurate. Needs more links and redirects.

    • At CW-complexes are paracompact Hausdorff spaces

      I wrote out proof of the lemma that the result of attaching a cell to a paracompact Hausdorff space is still paracompact Hausdorff (here).

      Not very nice yet. Needs polishing and maybe some more general lemmas.

    • Created a page on the set-theoretical meaning of the “class function”.

    • I have cross-linked the entries forcing and classifying topos just a tad more by

      1. adding a half-sentence at the end of the paragraph in the Idea-section at “forcing” which mentions the word “classifying topos”

      2. adding to “classifying topos” the references (grabbed from “forcing”) on the relation between the two: here.

      I imagine any categorical logician who would write a pedagogical exposition at forcing on how this concept appears from the point of view of topos theory could have some effect on the community. The issue keeps coming up in discussions I see, and so if we had a point to send people to really learn about the relation (instead of just being bluntly old that there is one) that might have an effect.

    • the entry neighbourhood base was in a funny state. I have edited a little. No mention of filters yet.

    • I added a few words to address an oversight noted by Sridar Ramesh at topological ring, and corrected also a second oversight in the formulation of topological algebra (a standard mistake which would imply that the quaternions are a \mathbb{C}-algebra).