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    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.

      v1, current

    • for each pair x,yD 0x,y \in D_0 an object D(x,y)CD(x,y) \in C and not D(x,y)C 0D(x,y) \in C_0 as C 0C_0 is not defined


      diff, v7, current

    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.

      v1, current

    • Added the original reference by Tyutin (the T in BRST).

      diff, v4, current

    • Gave this entry a little Idea-section and added mentioning that only numerable topological fiber bundles are guaranteed to be Serre fibrations.

      Also I changed plain “bundle” to “fiber bundle” everywhere, including the title

      diff, v2, current

    • tried to polish a bit the matrial at Chern-Weil theory.

      (not that there is much, yet, but still)

    • added more complete publication data nd added DOI-s for Volumes 1 and 2. Couldn’t find DOI for vol 3 yet (?)

      diff, v12, current

    • trying to collect references on the state-of-the-art of computer simiulations on cosmic structure formations. Will try to expand as I find more…

      v1, current

    • added some more keywords to the “index” (came here to add action object, but added a few more while I was at it)

      diff, v29, current

    • a plain list of hyper-linked keywords, to serve as floating context menu for relevant entries

      (prodded by discussion here)

      v1, current

    • starting something, to be another item of internalization along with monoid object and group object.

      Not done yet, but need to save.

      (Our entry “action” does cover internal notions of actions, but it seems hard to bring that old entry into a good shape, and in any case splitting off an entry on the internal notion might just be the first step of bringing it into shape)

      The evident question for compiling this entry is: What are the canonical original references?

      Eckmann-Hilton in their articles originally introducing the notion of internal group objects (here) have all the ingredients in hand to say “action object”, but it seems they don’t (?).

      I found the notion stated clearly and explicitly, albeit somewhat in passing, in:

      but if anyone has other/better references, let’s add them.

      v1, current

    • a bare list of entries, to be !include-ed in lists of “Related entries”, for ease of cross-linking

      v1, current

    • stub entry, for the moment just so as to record references

      v1, current

    • I rephrased and restructured the Definition-section at join of simplicial sets a bit, in an attempt to make the exposition clearer. Please check if I succeeded.

    • Added Rainer Vogt’s file as a reference here as well.

      diff, v10, current

    • I have split off an entry classical model structure on simplicial sets from “model structure on simplicial set”. This entry should eventually contain detailed, self-contained and polished discussion of the definition, verification and key properties of the standard Kan-Quillen model structure.

      So far I have inserted fair bit of background material regarding (minimal) fibrations and geometric realizations, essentially the material in chapter 1 of Goerss-Jardine. A bunch of little proofs are spelled out, but not yet the more laborious ones. Discussion of the verification of the axioms is not yet in the entry, but the key parts of the Quillen equivalence to Top QuillenTop_{Quillen} are (modulo relying on previous lemmas that don’t have proofs spelled out yet).

      The somewhat random list of properties of sSet QuillensSet_{Quillen} that used to be sitting at “model structure on simplicial sets” I have copied over to a section “Basic properties”, just for completenes, but this now needs re-organization to give decent logical flow.

      For the moment I have to leave it at that, need to take care of something else now for a little bit.

    • I gave the reference

      the following commentary-line:

      for historical context see Hitchin 20, Sec. 8

      I admit that I only fully grasp this now, that Jaffe-Quinn’s article was in response to Atiyah’s influence on mathematics in whose wake Witten received the Fields medal.

      diff, v4, current

    • Started the page inspired by a discussion on zulip. If this is not deemed interesting enough, feel free to remove.

      v1, current

    • I have tried to brush up the entry dense subcategory a little

      (moved the references to the References, moved the part that alluded to the application with nerves to its own section and expanded slightly, added the relevant back-links).

    • a category:reference-entry on tom Dieck’s book of that title

      v1, current

    • am finally splitting this off from Hopf degree theorem, to make the material easier to navigate. Still much room to improve this entry further (add an actual Idea-statement to the Idea-section, add more examples, etc.)

      v1, current

    • There has been a pretty massive expansion at proof net. All who are interested in this are invited to have a look (but the nLab is super-slow in loading now from where I write).

      Noam Z., if you are reading this: I had looked at the notes you kindly mentioned to me recently. Could you comment on what the connection might be with the sequentialization result (see the remark 2 under theorem 1 in proof net)? The outline of proof reminded me of your description of inversion and focusing, but I confess I had a little trouble following everything (my fault, not yours).

    • changed “an English mathematician of Egyptian origin” to “a British-Lebanese mathematician”.

      In checking his “origin” on Wikipedia…

      …I see that Wikipedia says that Sir Michael Atiyah has died. Today.


      diff, v6, current