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Stub for connection in noncommutative geometry.
Removed a query at connection for a differential graded algebra.
Eric: I like this algebraic definition. Do you know who it can be traced back to? Koszul? I’ve come across it via Dimakis and Muller-Hoissen.
Urs Schreiber: i think this is the concept that is described at Lie infinity-algebroid representation. It is the same (up to very minor technical differences) that Jonathan Block calls a superconnection in this article.
Zoran Historically I do not know, it is certainly several decades old in this form. But things always depend on the context. For example if one takes the noncommutative differential forms of Karoubi for (what is not quite semi-free – there is a small kernel determined by the augmentation map) then one has a definition of connection of Connes and Karoubi in nc differential geometry, used in that context from early 1980s. Flat connections for semi-free dgas are used also often when studying deformation theory problems via semi-free resolutions…Term superconnection is from Quillen. Does Block use it differently from Quillen ?
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