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Hi Ian,
As a lab elf, I thought I would tell you that Urs has a unfortunate habit of propagating "s"s outside of links. For example groups instead of groups. This makes me cringe every time I see it (I am stickler about aesthetics).
Because Urs is one of the most prolific writers of the nLab, as I feared, this is becoming recognized as a standard, i.e. "Since Urs puts "s"s outside the brackets, that must be the standard. Even though it looks weird, I will follow the standard." Argh :)
It is not a big deal, and we've gone over this many times without a clear consensus, so maybe "s"'s outside are fine, but generally when I see them, I go around and "fix" them.
I changed your link extremal quantum channels to extremal quantum channels and added a redirect so everything works fine.
<p>Phew :)</p>
<p>Plus, if you are going to be creating pages, it is good for you to know about <a href="https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/redirects">redirects</a> anyway. For example, if you look at the bottom of the source for <a href="https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/%28infinity%2C1%29-category">(infinity,1)-category</a>, you will see the lines:</p>
<p>[ [!redirects (?,1)-category]]<br>
[ [!redirects (?,1)-categories]]<br>
[ [!redirects (infinity,1)-categories]]<br>
[ [!redirects infinity comma one category]]<br>
[ [!redirects (?%2C1)-category]]<br></p>
<p>So when you create a new page, it is good practice (though not required) to add redirects for things like plurals and obvious synonyms, etc.</p>
Hah! :D
Now I know why you chuckled before and knowing that made me chuckle :D
See, Urs, what a bad influence you are :)
Just kidding. I'm just happy Urs is here putting up as much content as he is. If the price is to chase him around fixing "s"'s and warning new contributors not to follow his non-aesthetic lead, then it is a small price :)
Ur Urs: Proto-bear :)
P.S. I will continue MY preference to put -s outside intentionally most of the time and complaining when being corrected.
P.S. 2: Eric, there are many more serious deficiencies in the nlab which ask for more attention where elves can help even more usefully then with reducing the colorfullness of internal sandhi. For example, many references in nlab have no links to their files, while files do exist on the internet. E.g. list of references at Geometric and topological structures related to M-branes is very useful but many links are missing and papers exist online most of the time.
@Zoran: My lab elf activities are purely selfish. I only fix something if I think it will help me personally. Since "]]s"'s make me cringe, I fix them on pages I'm reading so I can stop cringing :) It is fortunate that my interests and your's do not overlap too much so I don't find myself on pages you work on too often, or else we'd keep bumping into "]]s"'s over and over again :) I definitely do not scour the nLab looking for "]]s"'s to fix.
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