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    • “for each nonzero element rr in a semiprimitive ring,…module left annihilated by rr.” to “…module not left annihilated by rr.”


      diff, v7, current

    • σi=iσ\sigma i = i\sigma is a natural transformation from σσ\sigma\sigma to σ\sigma (if I am not mistaken).


      diff, v9, current

    • Don’t we need a geometric Spin^c structure to define the Spin^c Dirac operator? Otherwise, how is the connection on the complex spinor bundle defined?

      Does the nLab have an article about geometric Spin^c structures?

      diff, v7, current

    • starting page on Brouwer’s continuity principle


      v1, current

    • Working on my first new page in progress.

      Kirk Sturtz

      v1, current

    • I wanted to be able to use the link without it appearing in grey, so I created a stub for general relativity.

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • somebody signing as “Anonymous Coward” had created special relativity and typed in a confused paragraph (the smallest confusion being that the paragraph concerned not special but general relativity).

      I removed that paragraph and quickly wrote a brief “Idea”-section . But have no time to do this justice now.

    • starting something – not done yet

      v1, current

    • I gave the stub-entry Hopf algebroid a paragraph in the Idea-section that points out that already in commutative geometry there are two different kinds of Hopf algebroids associated with a groupoid (just as there are two versions of Hopf algebras associated with a group):

      1. The commutative but non-co-commutative structure obtained by forming ordinary function algebras on objects and morphisms;

      2. The non-commutative but co-commutative structure obtained by forming the groupoid convolution algebra.

      For the moment I left the rest of the entry (which vaguely mentions commutative and non-commutative versions without putting them in relation) untouched, but I labelled the whole entry “under constructions”, since I think this issue needs to be discussed more for the entry not to be misleading.

      I may find time to get back to this later…

    • some bare minimum, for the moment just a glorified list of references

      v1, current

    • copied from HoTT wiki


      v1, current

    • I guess it should read as “one defines the (Serre) quotient category A/TA/T as the one having the same objects as AA and ….” and not ” … same objects as TT… ” Similarily in the line following the line mentioned here.


      diff, v16, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • Added

      Since the Monster has a 3-cocycle of order 24, she’s looking at the categorical central extension by BC 24\mathbf{B} C_{24}.

      diff, v26, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • Fixed the link for Subtle symmetries and the refined Monster.

      diff, v7, current

    • brief category:people-page for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • Starting something. Not done yet, but need to save.

      v1, current

    • Have added to HowTo a description for how to label equations

      In the course of this I restructured the section “How to make links to subsections of a page” by giving it a few descriptively-titled subsections.

    • this page was essentially empty. I added at least some “related entries”

      diff, v2, current

    • Created an nLab page on abstract polytopes. Still a work in progress.

      v1, current

    • Edited the statement of artin reciprocity for function fields to be correct, and added a citation.

      Connor Lane

      diff, v7, current

    • a stub, for the moment just so as to satisfy links and record references

      v1, current