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I moved the characterization of pointwise kan extensions as those preserved by representable functors to the top (of the section on pointwise kan extensions) and made it the definition (since there was no unified definition before). This is for aesthetic reasons. Since being pointwise is a property, I like that this property has a definition independent of the computational model we’re using.
Are there size issues that I might be glossing over?
I added a paragraph about to countable choice
I think the definition of the Grothendieck construction was wrong. The explicit definition was right, but the description in terms of a generalized universal bundle didn’t work out to that, if by “the category of pointed categories” was meant for the functors to preserve the points, which is the usual meaning of a category of pointed objects. I corrected this by using the lax slice. Since while I was writing it I got confused with all the op’s, I decided that the reader might have similar trouble, so I changed it to do the covariant version first and then the contravariant.
I expanded the Examples-section at petit topos and included a reference to Lawvere’s “Axiomatic cohesion”, which contains some discussion of some aspects of a characterization of “gros” vs “petit” (which I wouldn’t have noticed were it not for a talk by Peter Johnstone).
I am thinking that it should be possible to give more and more formal discussion here, using Lawvere’s article and potentially other articles. But that’s it from me for the time being.
Swapped the order of the propositions that small limits commute with small limits and that limits commute with right adjoints, which allowed me to give a proof that small limits commute with small limits by citing the result on right adjoints and the characterization of the limit as right adjoint to the constant diagram functor.
Started a stub at family of sets. This should also explain concepts like a family of subsets of a given set or a family of groups. And how to formalise them all in material and structural set theories, predicative foundations, internally in indexed categories, etc.
An anonymous coward put something blank (or possibly some spam that somebody else blanked within half an hour) at Hausdorff dimension, so I put in a stub.
I moved the proof of the claim that the Segal-Brylinski “differetiable Lie group cohomology” is that computed in the (oo,1)-topos of oo-Lie groupoids from the entry group cohomology to the entry Lie infinity-groupoid and expanded the details of the proof considerably.
See this new section.
Towards the end I could expand still a bit more, but I am not allowed to work anymore today… :-)
I’ve added a bit about these to free monoid. (These are the computer scientists’ stacks, not the geometers’ stacks!) There is a query about queues too; I’ve forgotten something and can’t reconstruct it.
Changed a page title from topological topos to Johnstone’s topological topos. Urs said I should call for help when making a name change, so that someone can clear the cache to get the change to propagate properly.
started a disambiguation page basis
I just started nonabelian homological algebra.
Regarding that the nlabizens have discussed so much various generalizations of Grothendieck topology, maybe somebody knows which terminology is convenient for the setup of covers of abelian categories by finite conservative families of flat localizations functors, or more generally by finite conservative families of flat (additive) functors. Namely the localizations functors do not mutually commute so the descent data are more complicated but if you produce the comonad from a cover then the descent data are nothing but the comodules over the comonad on the product of the categories which cover. In noncommutative geometry we often deal with stacks in this generalization of topology and use ad hoc language, say for cocycles, but the thing is essentially very simple and the language barier should be overcome. There are more general and ore elaborate theories of nc stacks, but this picture is the simplest possible.
stub for crystalline cohomology
There are notes by Jacob Lurie on crystals, but I forget where to find them. Does anyone have the link?
I got the book “Counterexamples in Topological Vector Spaces” out of our library, and just the sheer number of them made me realise that my goal of getting the poset of properties to be a lattice would produce a horrendous diagram. So I’ve gone for a more modest aim, that of trying to convey a little more information than the original diagram.
Unfortunately, the nLab isn’t displaying the current diagram, though the original one displays just fine and on my own instiki installation then it also displays just fine so I’m not sure what’s going on there. Until I figure that out, you can see it here. The source code is in the nLab: second lctvs diagram dot source.
A little explanation of the design:
(It seems that Instiki’s SVG support has … temporarily … broken. I’ll email Jacques.)
created basis for a topology and linked to it with comments from coverage and, of course, Grothendieck topology
added a still somewhat stubby section on tensoring over ooGrpd to limits in a quasi-category
polished and expanded (infinity,1)-category of (infinity,1)-sheaves
In particular I spelled out the proof that the full subcategory of (oo,1)-presheaves on (infinity,1)-sheaves is a left exact reflective sub-(oo,1)-category.
started at infinity-Lie groupoid a section The (oo,1)-topos on CartSp.
Currently this gives statement and proof of the assertion that for a smooth manifold regarded as an object of the Cech nerve of a good open cover provides a cofibrant replacement.
The discussion of topological localization and that at (infinity,1)-category of (infinity,1)-sheaves for obtaining (oo,1)-sheaf toposes focuses on Grothendieck topologies. In the rest of the nLab, though, we exhibit a certain moral preference for coverages.
I therefore started a section Localization at a coverage at model structure on simplicial presheaves, where I state and prove a handful of statements that are useful for understanding this.
There is more to be said here, but that’s it from me for the moment.
Wrote about Poincare sphere, which led to perfect group. Also added a subsection “Metrizable spaces” to metric space.
Added Manifold Atlas Project to Online Resources.
I added a section on triangulable spaces and PL structures to simplicial complex, but this is the type of thing which gets beyond my ken pretty quickly. My real motivation is to convince myself that a space is homeomorphic to the realization of a simplicial complex (in short, is triangulable) if and only if it is homeomorphic to the realization of a simplicial set – perhaps this seems intuitively obvious, but it should be given a careful proof, and I want such a proof to have a home in the Lab. (Tim Porter said in a related discussion that there was a relevant article by Curtis in some early issue of Adv. Math., but I am not near a university library to investigate this.)
I’ll put down some preliminary discussion here. Let denote the poset of finite nonempty subsets of . A simplicial complex consists of a set and a down-closed subset such that every singleton belongs to . Thus is itself a poset, and we can take its nerve as a simplicial set. The first claim is that the realization of this nerve is homeomorphic to the realization of the simplicial complex. This I believe is or should be a basic result in the technique of subdivision. Hence realizations of simplicial sets subsume triangulable spaces.
For the other (harder) direction, showing that realizations of simplicial sets are triangulable, I want a lemma: that the realization of a nerve of a poset is triangulable. Basically the idea is that we use the simplicial complex whose vertices are elements of the poset and whose simplices are subsets for which we have a strictly increasing chain . Then, the next step would use the following construction: given a simplicial set , construct the poset whose elements are nondegenerate simplices (elements) of , ordered if is some face of . The claim would be that the realization of is homeomorphic to the realization of the nerve of this poset.
All of this could very well be completely standard, but it’s hard for me to find an account of this in one place. Alternatively, my intuitions might be wrong here. Or, perhaps I’m going about it in a clumsy way.
I started adding some illustrations to my personal web related to Vistoli’s paper on descent. If you like them or have suggestions to improve them, I can maybe migrate some to nLab pages:
Notes on Grothendieck Topologies, Fibered Categories and Descent Theory (ericforgy)
Todd Trimble requested currying (on the Sandbox, of all places), and I wrote it (also linking to it from closed monoidal category).
So, I have some pending changes on operad that I made in the sandbox and am waiting for a go-ahead to post from the interested parties, but I was also wondering if someone would be willing to write up a follow-up to the very nice definition of an operad as a monoid in the blah blah monoidal category. That is, it seems like this should give us a very nice way to define an algebra, but I don't know how one would actually go about doing it.
rearranged a bit and expanded category theory - contents. In particular I added a list with central theorems of category theory.
added Eric’s illustrations to the Idea-section at representable presheaf. Also added a stub-section on Definition in higher category theory.
Created faithful morphism, conservative morphism, pseudomonic morphism, and discrete morphism, and added to fully faithful morphism.
Added complete topological vector space including various variants (quasi-complete, sequentially complete, and some others). Hopefully got all the redirects right!
I only have Schaefer’s book at home so couldn’t check “locally complete” - I know that Jarchow deals with this in his book. Kriegl and Michor naturally only consider it in the context of smootheology so I’m not sure what the “best” characterisation is. There’s also a notational conflict with “convenient” versus “locally complete”. As Greg Kuperberg pointed out, in some places “convenient” means “locally complete and bornological” whereas in others it means just “locally complete” (in the contexts where convenient is used the distinction is immaterial as the topology is not considered an integral part of the structure).
I added these whilst working on the expansion of the TVS relationships diagram. That brought up a question on terminology. In the diagram, we have entries “Banach space” and “Hilbert space” (and “normed space” and “inner product space”). These don’t quite work, though, as for a topological vector space the correct notion of a normed space should be normable space as the actual choice of norm is immaterial for the TVS properties. I’m wondering whether or not this is something to worry about. Here’s an example of where it may be an issue: a nuclear Banach space is automatically finite dimensional. That implies that its topology can be given by a Hilbert structure. However, the Hilbertian norm may not be the one that was first thought of. But that’s a subtlety that’s tricky to convey on a simple diagram. So I’d rather have “normable” than “normed”. Does anyone else have an opinion on this?
If “normable” is fine, then the important question is: what’s a better way of saying “Hilbertisable”, or “Banachable”? Length doesn’t matter here, as I’m putting the expanded names in tooltips and only using abbreviations in the diagram.
started rational homotopy theory in an (infinity,1)-topos
With just slightly more it could also be called "Lie theory in an oo,1-topos" I suppose.
if you looked at this yesterday, as it was under construction, maybe have another look: I believe I could clarify the global story a bit better.
Looking at the entry Banach spaces, I found the following in the introduction:
So every -dimensional real Banach space may be described (up to linear isometry, the usual sort of isomorphism) as the Cartesian space equipped with the -norm for
which seems to imply that every norm on a finite dimensional Banach space is a -norm for some . That feels to me like a load of dingo’s kidneys. To define a norm on some I just need a nice convex set, and there’s lots more of these than the balls of -norms, surely.
Am I missing something?
Moonshine, intentionally with capital M as most people do follow this convention for the Monster and (Monstrous) Moonshine VOA.
created (infinity,1)-site
created finite limit (this was previously a redirect to finitely complete category)
It got announced in another category, but here it is in Latest Changes:
Todd began (and then I edited) simple group.
I wrote a quick entry conformal group, just from memory. Somebody could check and expand. In fact it would not be bad to have also a separate entry on conformal and on quasiconformal mappings.
chiral algebra and improvements to vertex operator algebra
somehow I missed that there already is a page compact operator and created compact operators. The plural is another error :-) the unsatisfied link that I used to create the page was “compact operators”. When I tried to rename it to the singular term it failed, of course. Now the page compact operators is simply superfluous, but as a non-administrator I cannot delete it…
Created sequential compactness, should probably link to all these compactness variations from compact space. Not sure if I got the “iff” bit right in the relationship with compactness itself; will check it myself if no-one fixes it in the meantime.
I decided that this was the key property in manifolds of mapping spaces and to stop trying to figure out a Froelicher version of sequentially compact for the time-being.
the term “twist” or “twisted” is one of those insanely ambiguous terms in math. Trying to follow our recent agreement on how to deal with ambiguous page names, I tried to indicate this at twist .
Created lax-idempotent 2-monad, with some definitions from Kelly–Lack. I think Kock has a couple of others. I’ll add more, like proofs of the equivalence of the definitions, and more on the cocompletion example, later (next week, probably).
The final copy of my thesis is up on the lab. Available from Fundamental Bigroupoids and 2-Covering Spaces. I’ve fixed the typo in definition 5.1 that made it into the print copy ;)
Thus I’ve updated the links at David Roberts, the above linked page, and on my private web home page. If anyone knows of any other places it is linked, please let me know, or update the link to point to DMRthesis_final.pdf, instead of DMR_thesis.pdf.
Now to all the other projects that are on the back burner, time permitting…
started a section Introductions to category theory in physics at the woefully imperfect entry higher category theory and physics. So far this contains mostly th expository articles by Bob Coecke.
I put the theorem about presheaves on overcategories and overcategories of presheaves that had its own page at functors and comma categories into the Properties-section at category of presheaves: Presheaves on over-categories and over-categories of presheaves.
Then I added the analogous proposition for (oo,1)-presheaves at (∞,1)-category of (∞,1)-presheaves -- Interaction with overcategories
Incidentally, there is some bug on the nLab that might be related to the one Toby just pointed out in the thread on scrollboxes: Trying to put links to subsections of nLab entries into nLab entries is often troublesome. The Markup-code for links gets mixed up by the hash-sign, usually. Then usually the html-code will work. But at the moment at category of presheaves I cant get that to work either...
Prompted by Peter Selinger’s recent email on the catlist, I created a floating TOC for monoidal categories, added it to a lot of pages, created a couple of stubs for ribbon category and pivotal category, and corrected the redirect for autonomous category to point to rigid monoidal category rather than compact closed category. We are still missing stubs for balanced monoidal category and traced monoidal category and dagger monoidal category – anyone want to fill them in?
started a floating toc for topos theory. See at the right of topos.
Please feel encouraged to expand and improve the structure.
Added functional. A bit sketchy.
finally noticed that (infinity,1)-sheaf was hardly even a stub. Have now filled some genuine content in there.
Created free monad with a discussion of some of the subtleties and the notion of “algebraically-free”.
I’ve started porting my notes “differential topology of loop spaces” over to the nlab, starting at differential topology of mapping spaces. As part of the transfer, I intend to map out the theory for general mapping spaces, not just loop spaces (that’ll give me a bit more motivation to do the transfer since just cut-and-paste is boring!). I’ve just copied over the contents and the introduction so far and haven’t edited them as yet. In particular, although I’ve wikilinked all the original section names, these will get changed as they currently focus on loop spaces.
The introduction to the original document ended as follows (not copied over to the new version):
This document began life as notes from talks given at NTNU and at Sheffield so I would like to thank the topologists at those institutions, and in particular Nils Baas, for letting me talk about my favourite mathematical subject. I would also like to thank Ralph Cohen and the “loop group” at Stanford.
This is by no means a finished document, as an example it is somewhat sparse on references. Any comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism will be welcomed.
The second paragraph is sort-of stating the obvious as it holds to some extent for any nLab page! And I would love to be able to add some more names to the list in the first paragraph. Again, I hope it goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway: although I anticipate being the main contributor to these pages, it is not my project! I would love it if people read it, add comments, add other stuff, write (constructive) graffiti, link it to other stuff.
Currently mapping space redirects to internal hom.
I have now at least added a link to Andrew’s recent manifold structure of mapping spaces to the list of examples there, but it wouldn’t hurt if someone wrote a bit more about mapping spaces in topology etc.
The entry cover was in a pitiful state. I tried to brush it up a bit. But I am afraid I am still not doing it justice. But also I don’t quite have the leisure for a good exposition right now. What I really want is to create an entry good cover in a moment…
stub for Sullivan construction (I got annoyed that the entry didn’t exist, but also don’t feel like doing it justice right now)
Because I want to point to it in a reply to the current discussion on the Category Theory Mailing list, I tried to brush up the entry k-tuply monoidal n-category a bit.
In particular I
I had started an article on AT category (which I originally mis-titled as “AT categories” – thank you Toby for fixing this!), but getting a little stuck here and there. I’m using the exchange between Freyd and Pratt on the categories mailing list (what else is there?) as my reference, but as is so often the case, Freyd’s discussion is a little too snappy and terse for me to follow it down to all the nitty-gritty details.
There’s a minor point I’m having trouble verifying: that coproducts are disjoint (as a consequence of the AT axioms that Freyd had enunciated thus far where he made that claim, in his main post), particularly that the coprojections are monic. Presumably this isn’t too hard and I’m just being dense. A slightly less than minor point: I’m having trouble verifying Ab-enrichment of the category of type A objects. I believe Freyd as abelian-categories-guru implicitly – I don’t doubt him. Can anyone help?
created invariant polynomial
Todd is helping me understand opposite categories beginning with here.
This discussion helped prompt some improvement of the page opposite category. When I look at that page now, I see the statement:
The idea of noncommutative geometry is essentially to define a category of spaces as the opposite category of a category of algebras.
This reminded me of a remark I made in the “Forward” to a paper I wrote back in 2002, so I’ve now itexified that “Foreward” here:
Noncommutative Geometry and Stochastic Calculus
By the way, this also suggests that the category is the category of spaces opposite to the category of finite Boolean algebras in the sense of space and quantity.
I noticed that recently Konrad Waldorf created a very nice article
I went through it and added definition/theorem/proof-environments and lots of hyperlinks. Some of them are unsaturated. Maybe somebody feels inspired to create corresponding entries.